v1.02 1. Modifying the phenomenon of candidate exhaustion of miner due to CUDA-ECM server failure when using CUDA-ECM 2. CPU-ECM server to restart when down for unknown reasons fact_dist_20_04_v1.00-to-v1.02.tar.gz fact_dist_20_04_v1.02.tar.gz v1.01 1. When the miner is cpu-ecm and cuda-ecm, it is possible to find a block with a very low probability when the candidate is sieving. fact_dist_20_04_v1.00-to-v1.01.tar.gz fact_dist_20_04_v1.01.tar.gz v1.00 1. In the past, cpuecm and gpuecm were processed sequentially on mine.sh , but if there are multiple gpu-servers, it is changed to allow parallel processing Example: Two cpuecm servers and two cudaecm servers export CPUECM_SERVER_IP="" export CPUECM_SERVER_PORT="19301 19301" export CUDAECM_SERVER_IP="" fact_dist_20_04_v1.00.tar.gz